The Federal Ministries of Education and Research, Economics and Technology, Transport, Building and Urban Development as well as for the Environment, Nature Conversation and Nuclear Safety worked out a "National Electromobility Development Plan" which is to make Germany a leading market for electromobility in the next 10 years. The goal of the government's National Electromobility Development Plan: one million electric vehicles on German roads. Therefore the Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds research and development as well as the important young scientists and engineers required in these fields.
Image source: BMBF
Background of the commitment: "The topic electromobility is of high strategic importance for the government. If it succeeds to generate the required electricity solely from renewable energies in the medium and long term, mobility will no longer depend on the limited fossile raw materials which are harmful to the climate."
"We are looking for a concept without compromise", says Michael Dick, board member of AUDI AG, division Technical Development. "Electromobility does not mean for us a subsequent electrification of conventional vehicles. We rather want to deal with all aspects of the topic in a holistic approach."
Image source: Audi AG
One of the projects of the German automotive industry supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is, for example, the joint project ePerfomance
In cooperation with the automotive manufacturer Audi, RWTH Aachen, the technical universities in Munich, Dresden and Ilmenau, Leibniz University Hannover and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft as well as Robert Bosch GmbH and Bosch Engineering Gmbh at the industrial end will develop a holistic approach for electric vehicles. The estimated project duration is three years. The project is supported with a sum running into tens of millions of euros.
However, until the dream of electric vehicles with market maturity becomes a reality considerable technological obstacles will still have to be overcome.
"Rethinking the car"!
Image source: Audi AG
It seems to take longer than abroad, wrote Süddeutsche Zeitung in July 2010 (approx. one year after publication of the National Development Plan) and continued: "No sparks are flying around" and "Electric cars, battery technology, infrastructure and charging stations as well as green electricity: Germany has fallen behind in all, really in all areas.
What is obvious at this point is that the ambitiously set targets of the government cannot be met by 2020. The chances, even as regards jobs and possible profits of companies, are given up carelessly, the train to the future is travelling abroad. The country is in the process of gambling away its second industrial revolution."